Monday, November 24, 2014

This Week (November 24-29)

Since this week is Thanksgiving, we'll only be having one practice. Tuesday from 5-7 pm. We don't have any duals this week, or any tournaments this weekend, but it is important you still come to practice. Remind your wrestler to keep doing their push ups and sit ups daily, and please encourage them to condition through the holiday break.

See you at practice tomorrow!

Caleb Williams Results

Congratulations to the wrestlers that placed at Caleb Williams! It's a very tough tournament that pulls in wrestlers from all over Utah, plus the surrounding states.

1st Place: Keegan Strickland and Thomas Yardley
2nd Place: Tezlin Winn and Carson Yardley
3rd Place: Cody Dyches

Here are some pictures from the tournament. Enjoy!
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Friday, November 21, 2014

Caleb Williams, Parent Jacket info, and North Sevier Dual pics

Tomorrow, we'll be traveling to Maple Mountain High for the Caleb Williams Memorial tournament! Good Luck Carson Y., Stockton, Joey, Thomas, Keegan, Tezlin, Braygen and Cody! This tournament is HUGE! There are over 1000 wrestlers that will be there this weekend! I'll post pictures and results on Monday.

Good Luck Wrestlers!

Parents: If you would like a warm up jacket, please let us know. We are ordering them Monday morning at 9:00 am. The cost is $25, and they will look just like the warm up's the boys have. We need to know by Sunday afternoon if you want in on the order. They should arrive around the first week of December

We did AWESOME at the North Sevier Duals on Wednesday! Most of our wrestlers were undefeated. We were in two seperate gyms, so we did not get pictures of everyone... Here's a short slideshow of the pics we did get, enjoy!

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Team Jackets

Parents:  We've had a couple of you ask about getting a Bulldog Elite warm up jacket for yourselves. I checked with the place we ordered from and they said we could have some around the first week in December, if we order soon.  They will run somewhere between $25-$30 each. If you are interested, let us know. We will place an order Monday.

Congratulations to all our wrestlers that went to the North Sevier duals last night. We did awesome! I'll post some pictures and results tomorrow.

Don't forget about practice tonight from 5-7!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Caleb Williams Info

We have duals tomorrow night in Salina. You must be at the North Sevier high school by 5:30 pm to weigh in. Do not be late or you will risk not being bracketed! If you need a ride, let one of the coaches know.
Here is the flier for the Caleb Williams tournament this weekend. You must have a USA card to attend, and you register online at Track Wrestling. The link for USA cards is on the sidebar (you must view the web version of the website to view the sidebar). You can click here to go directly to Track Wrestling and register. 
Please let the coaches know if you are going this weekend. We will do weigh in's after practice on Thursday. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

This Week (November 17-22)

Congratulations to the wrestlers who went to North Sevier! The first tournament of the year is always a little rough, but we did great! Here are the results:

1st Place: Ty Ha'o, Joey Marshall, Mason Cox, Braygen Tanner (4th grade)
2nd Place: Thomas Yardley, Tezlin Winn, Braygen Tanner (5th & 6th grade)
3rd Place: Bridger Stevens, Carson Yardley, Carson Peterson

This week, we'll have a busy schedule:

Tuesday:  Practice from 5-7 pm
Wednesday: Duals at North Sevier, 6 pm. Be there BEFORE 5:30
                     to weigh in! If you need a ride to duals, please let the
                     coaches know! We are happy to give anyone a ride
                     that needs one!
Thursday: Practice from 5-7 pm
Saturday: Caleb Williams tournament in Spanish Fork
                 (Maple Mountain High School) Sign up on Track     
                  Wrestling and let a coach know if you're going!
Parents: PLEASE do not take your kids early from practice! If your wrestler needs a ride home, we have five coaches there that will be willing to drop them off! Leaving early is not fair to the other wrestlers, or the coaches that are willing to put in their time.  We understand that you may have other places to be and other kids to attend to, and that's fine. We'll bring your wrestler home, just let us know!

Heres some pictures from the tournament. Enjoy!

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Saturday's Tournament at North Sevier

We've put in the weights, so we're ready to go for Saturday! The tournament is at Salina High School and starts right at 9 am. PLEASE BE THERE NO LATER THAN 8:30 AM!! 

Usually, the older boys are in the little gym, and the younger boys are in the main gym. However, we will still warm up as a team! When you get to the school, please come and find the coaches and other wrestlers, and we can help you find out what gym and mat you will be on.
 Good Luck Wrestlers!

Monday, November 10, 2014

North Sevier Tournament

UPDATE 11/11/14: We've been given the OK to do weigh in's at the gym. We'll do those on Thursday after practice for those wrestlers who will be going on Saturday.  Go ahead and get registered if you're planning on going!

11/10/14 - Parents: Hold off on registering for the Salina tournament. They are deciding on if they are going to allow site weigh in's or require everyone to travel there on Thursday... We're trying to find out and will update as soon as we have the info.


This Week

We will be having practices as scheduled this week. Tuesday and Thursday from 5-7 pm.

This Saturday we will be going to the  North Sevier Tournament. If you're interested in going, you need to register thru Track Wrestling, and pay the $10 entry fee. Click Here to be taken directly to Track Wrestling to register. The North Sevier Tournament should be right at the top of the page. Just click on the link that says "North Sevier Jr High/Little League Tourn" and follow the directions. If you can't figure out how to register, please call one of the coaches and they'll help you.

Registration for the tournament closes on Thursday (November 13th) at midnight. If  you're planning on going, please register before then, so we can do weigh in's after practice on Thursday.

Our uniforms should be here this week, we will have them delivered before Saturday's tournament. 

Here's a flyer with the tournament information:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Water Issue

Parents: During practice last night, we noticed our water fountain doesn't have very much water pressure. We're going to allow each wrestler to bring their own water bottle to practice. We will also provide cold water and cups for those who forget, or simply don't want to worry about remembering to bring their own water.

 All wrestlers worked hard at practice, and are probably very sore this morning! Please have your child do their homework the Coaches assigned: 50 push-ups and sit-ups in the morning, again after school, and then again before bed. This will help them move a little easier in practice during conditioning, not to mention during duals and tournaments!

Our next practice is tomorrow (Thursday), from 5-7 pm.
IMPORTANT: If you're a coaching parent (or if you come inside the gym to pick up your wrestler), please remember that we do not allow street shoes on the mats. Please walk around the outside of the big mat, or remove your shoes. If you're going to step on the big mat, we ask that you are in your socks or wrestling shoes.

If any wrestlers need a ride to or from practice, let one of the coaches know. We'd be happy to pick them up or take them home. 

Here are a few pics from practice:
Live Wrestling 


Push Ups! He cranked out 50 like a pro! He's been doing his homework :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

1st Practice!

Don't forget that TONIGHT is our first practice of the season! Be to the Team Takedown gym (located behind Freedom Ford in the RV Center) by 5:00 pm, ready to work hard!

Please remember you may NOT wear your street shoes on the mats, and don't wear your wrestling shoes outside. You can get shoe covers on amazon (they are called CleatSkins) for around $20-25, or just change when you get to practice.

If any of the wrestlers ever need a ride to or from practice, please let one of the coaches know.

See you tonight!